Christians as First Responders to Domestic Violence Project

Scriptures on Domestic Violence
The Tool Kit
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A Few Good Men
Angels Unaware
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Bringing Awareness, Education, and Resources to The Body Of Christ

Genesis 42:21 And they said one to another, We are verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul, when he besought us, and we would not hear; therefore is this distress come upon us

Isa 59:15b, 16aand the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment. And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor:

In the introduction to her new book "Woman Submit! Christians & Domestic Violence" , Andersen points out that "The practice of hiding, ignoring, and even perpetuating the emotional and physical abuse of women is rampant within evangelical Christian fellowships and as slow as our legal systems have been in dealing with violence against women by their husbands, the church has been even slower."

"Before turning to authorities or seeking legal help of any sort, battered women often turn first to their family, friends and spiritual leadership for assistance. Help for women who are endangered by domestic violence can become more readily accessible to them through enlarging the network of compassionate and informed individuals within local communities at the grassroots level,  and what better place to start than with the local church?"

As Herb Vander Lugt, longtime church pastor and RBC senior research editor writes in God's Protection Of Women, "Marriage is meant to protect a lifetime of love. The permanence of a husband-wife relationship rests on a covenant of mutual commitment that is designed to survive normal and even serious marital conflict. Sometimes, however, verbal and physical abuse do to a marriage what murder or rape does to a life. What then? What if efforts to save a marriage result in the compounded loss of peace and trust in the home?"

"Virtually every congregation in North America has victims, survivors, or perpetrators of sexual and domestic violence in its midst. Pastors and church members unambiguously support marital and family bonds, but many lack the skills and experience needed to help both the abused and their abusers to recover."

Rev. Al Miles author of Domestic Violence: What Every Pastor Needs to Know writes, "For the most part clergy have hindered rather than helped women break free from their abusive partners. Our apathy, denial, exhortations, ignorance, and misinterpretations of the Bible have added to women's pain and suffering and placed them in even greater danger. The time is long overdue for us pastors to stop turning our backs on domestic violence and begin speaking out against this sin. We have a responsibility to preach and teach the biblical truths about God's love, which binds women and men together as equals rather than ordering them in a hierarchy. As long as we refuse to fully carry out our pastoral duties, victims of domestic violence will continue to crumble emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually underneath the weight of brutality and scriptural misinterpretations, which no human deserves.

Diane Stelling writes in her book ABUSE: How to Help/A Guide for Pastors "Victims of abuse sometimes seek spiritual help from their religious leaders, who, in many cases, are not adequately trained to understand victims' spiritual needs. And too often, abuse victims feel judged and rejected by their clergy and congregations, which increases their feelings of worthlessness. Yet spiritual help for abuse victims is a vital component in the recovery process."

"What victims need to hear from their religious leaders more than anything else is that they are innocent in the eyes of God regarding their abuse. Not that they are forgiven, but that they are innocent. When someone is told they are forgiven, it implies that they had some responsibility for the act and have something for which they need to be forgiven. Victims look at God and Scripture through the filter of believing that the abuse is their fault. They need to hear of their innocence before God regarding the acts done to them in order for them to fully heal spiritually and to move from victim to survivor."

"Our religious institutions should be places of sanctuary, safe havens where people suffering from the effects of abuse in their lives, whether they are victims or perpetrators, can step forward and receive help so that they can heal. Therefore, we all need to become educated about abuse in order to make the necessary changes in our religious institutions to bring hope to both victims and abusers and to remove the fear and stigma associated with this issue."

This Project offers the work of these authors along with other valuable resources to equip Pastoral Staff and Christians to minister to those wounded by the effects of domestic violence in a loving, Christ Centered, biblically grounded approach.    

Our prayer is that through this project and through this site Christians can become first responders to free the oppressed and raise the standard of Marriage in our congregations and in our community, that "they may know we are Christains by our love" and through saving lives we may also save souls.

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The Kit

Is your church, ministry, or organization interested in learning how to respond compassionately,  effectively and biblically to the problems facing battered women? This Project is working in tandem with The Dorcas Network , a grass roots international Christian network to offer resoucres to help you equip your leaders with resources; join the network, order the Kit, and become part of the solution.


Litigating Mom with Amanda Joy and Author Jocelyn Andersen


In her book Andersen Writes, "If a Christian Leader blames a woman for the violence in her marriage and neglects to encourage a battered wife to use the legal resources available to her in order to preserve her physical safety, that leader is not only sanctioning the abuse but perpetuating it as well."

"Many wife-beaters who are church-goers, professing Christians, even pastors and leaders of churches are getting the message loud and clear that their spiritual leadership is not so concerned with the fact that they beat their wives as they are concerned that wives should be submitting to their husbands and not seeking legal protection or divorce."

"Telling a woman to leave while the heat is on with the intention of returning is not uncommon advice among evangelicals. It amounts to no less than sending a battered woman back into a violent home. With a violent spouse when is the heat ever really off? This is sin and, in my opinion, it is criminal."

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that
good men do nothing.
Edmund Burke
